Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 2010

     Hello Everyone. It has been awhile since I have blogged so I figured it was time for an update. Well not much is really going on. Jillian is almost 10 months old already and let me tell you, I am so not ready for her to grow up! These last 10 months have flown by and I can't thank God enough for allowing me to stay home with her. It has been amazing watching her learn and grow everyday. We still call her "lazy baby" because she still isn't crawling or walking yet. haha. But I'm sure she will when she is ready. Maybe I spoil her too much?!haha. Life is good right now. Charlies friend is trying to get me a job at the University of Phoenix, which would be amazing because I could go to school for FREE! So say a prayer I get the job. Charlie is hard at work as always. He has been going to the gym everyday after work so we haven't seen much of him lately.:( But its a stress reliever for him, so I totally understand. I have an eye appointment next week. My eyes have been bothering me lately so I'm wondering if I need glasses. We are currently looking for a roommate. We really need the extra money, but so far no luck. Other than that everything is pretty much the same. We are going to SL this weekend for Regionals (wrestling). Let's go SL! Then the next weekend is State and I'm so excited for the boys, I know they will do great. Well I hope everyone is doing well. Take care, and God Bless! Oh and these are just some cute pics of Jilly and us..we were goofing around.haha


  1. You have such a cute little family!! I bet one day Jillian will surprise you and just take off:)

  2. She is just adorable! I cant believe how big she has gotten! :) I will keep my fingers crossed that charlie gets that job!! :)
